A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Wichita banned for doing the same but claiming that he was actually an hour early because he was operating on Moscow time.
NNA banned for putting back the clock an hour weeks too early.
Declan banned for good time management.
Wichita banned for thinking that 'good time management' is something to do with managing ahem *adult get togethers*
NNA banned for orgyanising his words in a coherent sentence.
Wichita Lineman banned for neither confirming nor denying the existence of his "adult" parties.
Leg End Reject banned for unadulterated aspersions.
Lineman banned for using big words to ban by
Deja banned for becoming breathless after reading Wichita's bans.
NNA banned for watching classic French movies.
Wichita banned for trying to get a ballot going for the creation of the role of film censor in ForumOfGames.
NNA banned for filming without a permit.
Lineman banned for shutting down NNA's production of "La Petite Toblerone"
DejaBoo banned for adding subtitles.
Wichita banned for yelling "CUT" after every putt.
DejaBoo banned for putting thoughts into actions.
Wichita banned for slicing into my thoughts.
Deja banned for thinking about clever stuff but then deciding to go and play daft interweb games instead.
NNAHere banned for being jealous of Deja.
Declan banned for asking for a bowl of jealous and ice-cream for dessert.
NNA banned for desserting his post by covering it with custard.
Wichita banned for knowing everything about the tale of General Custard's last stand.
NNA banned for hiding Custer's chair.
Wichita banned for informing the enemy.
Declan banned for skirting the issue.
DejaBoo banned for wearing a skirt in the middle of a battle.
Declan banned for battling down the hatches.
Wichita banned for leaving all the hatches open at night.
Declan banned for originally thinking that 'hctah' was the spelling of 'hatchback'.
NNAHere banned for causing offence to all drivers of hatchbacks.
Declan banned for expecting me to use some sort of a 'last chance saloon' pun in this response.
NNA banned for mistakenly getting their hair cut in the 'last chance salon'
Lorcand banned for thinking that a dentist is someone who likes to put dents in things.
NNAHere banned for using a dentist's chair as an office chair.
Declan banned for his brace(s) of biting remarks
NNA banned for taking two nibbles at the cherry.
Wichita banned for not appreciating my efforts to make it easier to remove the stone from the cherry.
NNA banned for throwing cherry stones at his neighbours window.
Wichita banned for cherry picking their reasons to ban people
Lorcan1990 banned for being too random with his reasons.