A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Butty banned for not clarifying what exactly it was that he was staring at which caused his underwear to fall away...
NNA banned for being nosey and also for running off with my best underwear.
Butty Brennan banned for public nudity due to the underwear stealing.
Necro banned for undoing all our good work on the Countdown thread.
NNA banned for being so smitten with Carol Vorderman that he started a Countdown thread.
BB banned cos true love is worth counting on.
Deja banned for getting mathematical about 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101
NNAHere banned for not appreciating Deja's intellect.
Declan banned because given that even brain surgeons don't get to see ideas in anyone's brain, how am I supposed to see the intellect in Deja's in order to appreciate it.
NNA banned for asking Santa for X-ray vision.
Deja banned for being afraid that she'll have no more hiding places when I get my Santy present.
NNA banned for hiding Deja's 2020 Christmas present so well that he couldn't find it until July 2021.
Butty banned for forgetting that prize-winning tuna (Deja's absolute favourite) have a tendency to swim away when they get a chance and it's a really big ocean out there.
NNA banned for teaching his prize fish to play an underwater piano so that he could have a piano tuna.
BB banned for a very fishy post
Dawg banned for not codding around.
NNA banned for trawling old posts
Dawg banned for forgetting that “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
NNA banned for taking a trip down memory lane... and getting lost.
Boo banned for hiding the map of Memory Lane
dawg banned for refusing to ask for directions Smile
Deja banned for asking for directions but remembering them wrong.
NNA banned for giving me coordinates to the North Pole instead.
Deja banned for not taking this once in a lifetime opportunity to visit Santa.
NNA banned for hacking Santys computer and putting me on the Naughty list
Deja banned because when Santy learned about how you withhold Toblerone, he immediately put you on the Ultra-Naughty list HIMSELF (and that is a serious situation....)
NNA banned because Santa would never do That !
Dawg banned because "you'd better watch out" when it comes to whether or not Santa is comin' to your town
NNA banned for changing Dawgs eircode to confuse the man in red.
Wichita banned for forgetting that Santa always has been able to navigate to the houses even before the existence of Eircodes.
NNA banned for messing with Santas sleigh radar - OperNNAtion Sleigh-dar!
And Deja banned for painting Rudolf's nose to resemble a set of traffic lights.
NNA banned for distracting Dancer and Prancer, who have scarpered with the reindeer sleigh, leaving Rudolph with a red nose and Santa with a redder face than normal.
Declan banned for using the same corny joke on his wife every Christmas Eve. The one where he peers up into the night sky and says 'looks like rain, dear'.
Butty banned for sleighin' it.
NNA banned for dropping his g's.
Wichita banned for not wearing his *cowboy hat when sitting side-saddle on one of the reindeer.

*Glen Campbell reference for those who do not know the song Wichita Lineman.
Declan banned for really being a Rhinestone Cowboy
Declan banned for using baling twine to practise cattle roping.
NNA banned for knitting a jumper for teh cattle and wishing them a moooey christmas.