A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Declan banned for singing Steamy Windows in the shower at the top of his lungs.
Butty banned for being extremely familiar with the showering activities of many of the people posting here.
NNA banned for setting BB's shower vids to music....
Deja banned for gazing dreamily at Butty's 'luvverly paira coconuts'.
NNA banned for going nutty.
Wichita banned for claiming that I'm nutty when I clearly almond.
NNA banned for thinking Marzipan is a place near Killarney.
Wichita banned for trying to deep fry Mars bars in the kitchen and leaving me to clean up the Marsy pan. Dodgy
Butty banned for his amarsing attempts to elicit a few snickers from us with his puns.
NNA banned for deciding to have a pun holiday this year. Dodgy
Butty banned for not giving up puns for Lent
Butty banned for making the sun go behind the clouds.
Wichi banned for not warning us it was going to rain.
(30-03-2022, 08:25 PM)Declan A Walsh Wrote: [ -> ]Wichi banned for not warning us it was going to rain.
Declan banned for not banning Wichita for banning me when he should have banned NNA! Confused
Butty banned for trying to put words into Declan's mouth.
NNA banned for trying to hold Butty's tongue
dawg banned for holding up the traffic while he tried to retrieve his ham sandwich from under the passenger seat.
NaHere banned for throwing dawg (and his sammich) under the bus
Deja banned for reading the bus timetable upside downand ending up where she started on every journey.
NNA banned for sending me on a wild goose chase.
Deja banned for bringing me back a domesticated goose instead of a wild one.
NNA banned for trying to cook Boo's goose
dawg banned for borrowing my frying pan when he needed something to catch any spillages that time he had to change the car oil.
NNA banned for his holier than thou attitude towards equipment improvisation when it comes to oil changes
dawg banned for blessing himself in reverse order.
NNA banned for thinking that using extra virgin olive oil when refilling after an oil change makes a car green
dawg banned for running out of space for hanging his teabags.
NNA banned for thinking that teabags deserve hanging

Teabags are innocent, OK !
dawg banned for battering burgers.
NNAHere banned for spice burgers.
Declan banned for saving money on deodorant by rubbing expired chilli powder under his arms instead of Old Spice.
NNA banned for thinking spice rubs are an herbal massage.
Deja banned for reducing the salt in her diet by licking her fries clean before eating them.
NNA banned for deep frying mushrooms in a Tayto batter.
Wichita banned for A-salt and Battery
A and B...hmmmm....

dawg banned for attempting to add a sneaky 'Alphabet game' into this thread....Careful, Dude.
NNA banned for failing to XYZ
Dawg banned for ignoring the SOS
Declan banned for not using morse code.
Wichita banned for not appreciating the moral code of Inspector Morse.