A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Leg end reject banned for showing me how much the truth can hurt.
NNAHere banned for putting a song in my head
Nothing banned for humming while asleep.
NNAHere banned for watching me sleep
Nothing banned for sleeping, that's deviant behaviour.
Leg End Reject banned for deviance shaming
nothing banned for mashing evidence.
Wichita Lineman banned for mentioning mash without bringing enough for everyone
Wichita banned for battering burgers.
NNA banned for double banning me while burning the burgers.
Wichita banned for taking my chef's hat to use as a temporary umbrella stand.
NNA banned for standing on ceremony.
Wichita banned for standing on the flowers.
NNAHere banned for #DIV/0!
Homer banned for preventing me going to infinity and beyond.
NNAHere banned for picking up a non-aesthetic username.
Declan banned for creating an impossible to understand name-rating system.
NNA banned for systematically rating names.
Wichita banned for rating avatars instead Big Grin
DejaBoo banned for facing up to reality.
Wichita Lineman banned for talking to a ghost
nothing banned cos ... 
[Image: ghost-boo.gif]

...BOO !!!  shock
DejaBoo banned for being too scary
Nothing banned because Nothing scares me....and ghosts do too.
NNA banned for missing their boo-ty sleep.
Deja banned for constantly hiding my booty sleep timetable.
NNA banned as I've just realised who he is! Or might be.........................
Wichita banned for being sharper than the average cookie...(and yes, you're likely correct about my identity!)
NNA banned for blowing his cover!
Wichita banned for not being too smart about disguising his identity, either Wink
NNAHere banned for taking a name that I could have used.
Declan banned for initialling everything.
Wichita Lineman banned for falling out of line
lorcand1990 banned for being born in the 90's and making me feel old.
Homer banned for making it harder for me to stay off confectionary, such as toasty cinnamon bun.
Declan banned for eating cold pizza for breakfast but calling it a 'continental style breakfast'.
NNAHere banned for being a food snob.
Leg End Reject banned for pretending to have never eaten anything from the McDonalds menu.
NNAHere banned for ordering a big mac with nothing but ketchup on it
Lorcand banned for thinking that an Apple Mac is some sort of McDonald's pastry.