A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Declan banned for forgetting to bring the hairdryer along for these sorts of incidents.
NNA banned for pretending that he hasn't nicked Declan's hairdryer and converted it into a ray gun to bring along for protection on his time travelling exploits.
Butty banned for failing to apply the latest patches to the space-time continuum thus allowing NNA to exploit old bugs in the system for personal time travel
dawg banned for using one of the precious space-time continuum patches to repair the puncture on his bike.
NNA banned for over inflating my recent puncture issue
Dawg banned for under inflating his bike wheels.
Declan banned for over inflating his wheels and creating the world's first flying bicycle.
Butty banned for needing stabilisers fitted to his flying bicycle.
NNAHere banned for being conned into thinking that flying bicycles exist.
Declan banned for souring the deal just as NNA was about to buy my, ahem, flying bicycle off me. Dodgy
Butty banned for claiming that his flying bicycles are 'flying off the shelves'.
NNAHere banned for making awful puns about bicycles and shelves on the fly.
Challenge accepted... Declan banned for becoming a baker because he kneaded the dough.
NNA banned for persuading Declan to become a baker, he told him 'you can make a lot of bread in that line of work'.
Butty banned for working with the remaining crumbs of an awful pun.

(and for lulling me into a false sense of security in the Speed Sheep Reveal)
Happy Camper banned for loafing about waiting for a lullabye serenade from BB... will his dreams crumb true?
Deja banned for 'staleing' the show and winning today's medal for cracking terrible baking puns.
NNA banned for trying to prevent Boo earning a crust with half baked puns
Dawg banned for trying to butter up Boo but ending up facing the wrong side down, so ensuring there will be no dough left for us.
Declan banned for revealing dawg's position relative to Deja when the consequences of his 'buttering her up activity' were in progress.
NNA banned for taking a whisk, and going off the tarts...
[Image: giphy.gif]
Deja banned whisking the tarts.
Declan banned for refusing to bake blind and so ending up with soggy bottomed tarts and a minute of TV fame courtesy of Mary Berry
dawg banned for wondering if he could make a nice fruit salad out of strawberries, raspberries and maryberries.
NNA banned for spreading confusion...MaryBerri, as everyone knows, is a disease akin to beriberi and is caused by a lack of confectionary in the diet
dawg banned for being berry, berry sweet.
DajaBoo banned for a berry bad pun.
Declan banned for ghosting me with his avatar. Tongue
DejaBoo banned for embarrassing me in front of my peers.
Declan banned for peering into the abyss an thinking it could make one hell of a big swimming pool.
NNA banned for  pushing Declan overboard and telling him to do the breaststroke  abysstroke  Tongue
Deja banned for throwing a life buoy to Declan but hitting him on the head with it.
NNA banned for assuming the gender of my floatation device  Tongue
DejaBoo banned for bringing her flotation device with her everywhere.
Declan banned for leaving his flotation device at home  ( Duck balanced on the edge of the bath to be exact )
dawg banned for using a homing pigeon to track Declans movements.
Wichita banned for being a 'bit for the birds' around here at times.
NNA banned for Wichita watching.
Wichita banned for changing the song title to "Show me the way to Kansas, will you?"
NNA banned for giving me dodgy directions.