A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Lineman banned for wanting  sounds to wave hello
DejaBoo banned for going all hi frequency.
Lineman banned for going all soprano on us.
Deja banned for taking notes and not replacing them with an acceptable alternative.
NNA banned for practicing an alternative notestyle
DejaBoo banned for perfecting alternative thinking.
Lineman banned or thinking outside the box
DejaBoo banned for boxing clever.
Wichita banned for boxing Deja's ears.
Butty banned for wrestling with his conscience and injuring it in the process.
NNA banned for pricking my conscience and giving it a slow puncture.
Butty banned for hissing.
Wichita banned for booing.
Butty banned for DejaBooing.
Wichita banned for Booing Deja.
Butty banned for Deja Vu-ing
Wichita banned for viewing Deja through a high powered telescope.
Butty banned for gluing my lens cap on.
Wichita banned for nicking Len's cap from the pub last night.
Butty banned for singing "If you like it and you want it put a cap on it" on a loop.
NNA banned for always leaving the cap off the toothpaste.
Butty banned for squeezing the toothpaste from the middle of the tube.
NNA banned for switching my tube of toothpaste for tomato puree.
Butty banned for forcing me to use the toothpaste in pasta for the next several meals.
NNAHere banned for only knowing how to cook pasta.
Declan banned for using pasta to floss his teeth.
DejaBoo banned for throwing floss in with pasta in the saucepan.
Declan banned for disliking minty pasta Big Grin
Deja banned for calling her minty pasta 'Spear(mint)ghetti'.
NNA banned for trying to spear the ghetti with his spoon.
Deja banned for offering to show me how to spoon properly.
NNA banned for needing lessons in utensilery :p
Deja banned for using chopsticks to put groceries in the trolley as a COVID precaution.
Nama banned cos it's not chopsticks I use Tongue
DejaBoo banned for chopping sticks on the patio.
Wichita banned for planning on turning Christmas Day dinner into a BBQ event, no matter what the weather is like.
NNA banned fr bahhumbugging Linemans blessed Christmas BBQ
DejaBoo banned for burning the sausages.
Wichita banned for telling porkies.
Butty banned for being a human lie-detector.