A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Wichita banned for having Delboy's phone number on speed dial.
NNA banned for only fooling horses.
Wichita banned for horsing around at the local Donkey Derby.
NNA banned for refusing to hoof it home in the wet
dawg banned for wetting NNA's hoofs.
Wichita banned for huffing and puffing but only managing to blow the candle out instead of the house down.
NNA banned for not hiding the candles on Wichita
dawg banned for eating an electric bulb whenever he feels like having a light lunch.
NNA banned for lunching only with the ladies who lunch.
(01-02-2022, 02:05 AM)Wichita Lineman Wrote: [ -> ]NNA banned for lunching only with the ladies who lunch.
LIneman banned for prefering to brunch with the polo crowd
DejaBoo banned for wearing a polka dotted polo shirt.
Wichita banned for driving a polka dot coloured car.
NNA banned for dancing a polka around my car.
Wichita banned for not realising that I was actually trying to escape from him when he was burning rubber by doing doughnuts and drifting in his car.
NNA banned for leaving sugar icing on my driveway.
Wichita banned for preferring buttercream icing
dawg banned for having buttercream on toast every night.
Wichita banned for clogging up the toaster when trying to create a triple decker cheese toastie.
NNA banned for unplugging the toaster.
Wichita banned for toasting my health and charring it around the edges.
Butty banned for edging closer to the truth.
Wichita banned before he gets a chance to spill the beans
dawg banned for closing down a can of worms.
Wichita banned for hiding Butty's tin of live fishing bait
Dawg banned for fishing in the garden pond.
Declan banned for bog snorkelling in the garden.
Wichita banned for trying to convert a snorkel into a musical instrument.
NNA banned for drumming me out of the band.
Wichita banned for paradiddling at all hours.
Butty banned for timing issues.
Wichita banned for clock watching
dawg banned for not paying enough attention to the hours counting down.
Wichita banned for suggesting that I pay for attention
Dawg banned for coming up with lame excuses for not paying.
Declan banned for limping into contention.
Wichita banned for clinging to Declan like a limpet.
Butty banned for making me come unstuck.
Wichita banned for sliding down the stairs at work.
NNA banned for greasing the bannister.
Wichita banned for nicknaming banisters 'Roger'in honour of his hero.