A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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NNA banned for eating his chinese with drumsticks
dawg banned for using knitting needles instead of chopsticks.
DejaBoo banned for compiling lists on other people.
Declan banned for confusing me with NNA  Tongue
Deja banned for unintentionally spreading confusion in the ranks.
NNA banned for stirring the pot, backwards. :p
Deja banned for calling me stir-crazy.
NNA baned cos.... when the spoon fits Wink Big Grin
Boo banned for going through the entire cutlery drawer looking for a spoon to fit NNA
dawg banned for prompting Deja to use the wooden spoon on me.
NNA baanned for running away :p
Deja banned for chasing after me over the distance of a full marathon.
NNA banned for sending me in the wrong direction.
Deja banned for holding her compass upside down.
NNA banned for going into the west.
Wichita banned for structuring his life around movie quotes and plots.
NNA banned for not living the dream
Dawg banned for living the American Dream, in Ireland.
Butty banned for having a green card and not using it
dawg banned for using Butty's green card to prop up his wonky table.
NNAHere banned for thinking a Leap Card is the same thing as a Green Card.
Declan banned for insisting that a Leap card is something used in Monopoly to let you avoid landing on those expensive slots.
NNAHere banned for ignoring (yet again) a damn good Sheep Reveal.
Declan banned for revealing more than we asked for.
Wichita banned for trying to outdo Kol (the master) in Tournaments.
Declan banned for losing in the round robin section.
Wichita banned for getting distracted from his work by robins.
Declan banned for battling Batman.
Wichita banned for pretending to be Batman, as we all know that Batman does not wear a cowboy's hat.
Declan banned for hiding my rodeo tickets.
Wichita banned for trying to enter rodeos without tickets, which have all been removed because he cannot even ride a horse, never mind doing a rodeo.
Rodeo abandoned due to line problems, Declan banned and sent to Galviston for preventing line inspection
Dawg banned for lining us all up to be banned.
Lineman banned for stepping  out of  line.  Tongue
DejaBoo banned for stepping on my toe.
Wichita banned for toeing the line just as Deja decided to put her foot down.
Butty banned for speeding.
Wichita banned for issuing speeding tickets to anyone who walks faster than him.
NNA banned for hiding my hiking boots.
Wichita banned for not invoking his inner 'Climbing Croagh Patrick'