A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Declan banned for inspecting our morals.
Wichita banned for not being willing to bare his soul in public.
NNAHere banned for being too willing to bare his soul (and more!).
Declan banned for not averting his eyes when required.
NNA banned for thinking the turning the other cheek meant mooning
dawg banned for counting the number of Rice Krispies in each box so that he can then divide the contents into equal portions.
NNA banned for making me lose count and having to start counting the box of Rice Krispies all over again
dawg banned for excluding the 6 Rice Krispies located at the bottom of the box in his calculations.
[Image: 56ece4433a943d9afde6041b6cb46124.jpg]

NNA banned for trying to get me to count to 5 when I can only go to 4 'cause I dont have no thumbs Confused
dawg banned for revealing that he is related to The Simpsons.
NNA banned for not having blue hair.
Lineman banned for changing NNA's name to Marge
Deja banned for whispering 'Change his name to butter instead of Marge' to Wichita.
NNA banned for buttering up DejaBoo whispering sweet nothings.
Lineman banned for being NNA's 'butter from another udder.'
Deja banned for making up an average of 4 of her original sayings every day. Blunders will never cease.
NNA banned for saying I make a spectacle of myself four often than nawt.  Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue
Deja banned for making homemade spectacles using a coat hanger and a bottle of Coke.
NNA banned for divulging the secret of how I MacGyver fix my broken glasses
Deja banned for leaving a trail of destruction while she was away with the fairies.
NNA banned for offering to help the fairies with their tax returns
dawg banned because those fairies only pay their bills and taxes using teeth.
NNAHere banned for not paying Bill's bills.
Declan banned for not returning my money printing machine.
NNAHere banned for not forfeiting his counterfeit money.
Declan banned for knowing the smell of counterfeit money at 100 paces.
NNA banned for laundering counterfeit money by submitting a counterfeit tax return.
Dawg banned for accidentally throwing his money into the laundry, a counterproductive feat.
Declan banned for counting to 100 using his counter productive feet.
NNA banned for having 100 toes on his feet with which to count.  shock shock shock
Deja banned for obviously wearing some crazy spectacles if they have her believing that.
NNA banned for passing the dutchie on the right hand side. Dodgy
Butty banned for feigning innocence by posting as if last night wasnt a wild night

Dawg banned for not getting in last night until half past the eleven! Dodgy
Butty banned for keeping dawg out (almost) all night.
Deja banned for locking the door at 10 meaning Dawg had to dig up the secret spare key in the flower bed.
Butty banned for hiding the key under the cactus.
Deja banned for hiding the cactus near the scorpion colony.
NNA banned for preferring it nearer the rattle snake den.
Deja banned for suspecting that there must be a rattle snake hiding somewhere in her fridge's motor which is making that weird noise at night.