A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Declan banned for wanting to set up a company which manufactures the next generation of crisps- 'Burnts'.
NNA banned for incinerating that getting Burnt is the hot new foodie rage.
Deja banned for sweating whenever she thinks of vanilla ice cream.
Deja banned for swearing whenever she thinks of vanilla


NNA banned for using that ugly swear word...
[Image: dan-aykroyd.gif]
ban vaniilla, vanilla banned!
Deja banned for whacking me with a metal edged ruler and then licking the blood off it when she was finished.
NNA banned for asking Santy for a Vampire this Christmas.
Deja banned for hiding the wooden stake and string of onions I rely on to fend off the bad vampires.
NNA banned because I had to use something for the onion kabobs he wanted for dins.
Deja banned for peeling the onions with a wrench.
NNA banned for tooling about and throwing a wrench into our dinner plans
Deja banned for having a somewhat uninspiring set menu for our dinner date- onion soup followed by onion pie with onion-flavoured ice-cream as dessert.
NNA banned  for blowing off our dinner date so he go out with Deja. Pardon my tears, it must be the onions.  Sad
Butty banned for going out with some randomer who turned out to be a supermodel but forgetting to ask for her number.
NNA banned for landing me right in it with the harem.   Angry
Butty banned for clearly needing to work a lot more on improving his stamina.
NNA banned for recruiting BB into marathon training with him.
Deja banned for setting up a competing training group dedicated to Toblerone eating.
NNA banned for naming his half-marathon, the TobleRUN Big Grin
Deja banned for insisting that there are only two letters in the word 'candy'- 'c' is one of them and 'y' is the second.
NAN banned for sweet sighs
Deja banned for taking all the nice sweets from the tin and leaving the orange creams.
NNA banned for breaking thread rules elsewhere!!! (Happy Christmas to you too!)
ari banned for breaking the thread she was using to sew a button onto her clothing.
NNA banned for getting to the knitty-gritty and needling ari :p
Deja banned for buying a camel and forcing it to practice the technique for getting through the eye of a needle (it's the reassurance she needs to know that her soul will be saved eventually).
NNA banned for selling soul saving camels with instructional videos. p
Deja banned for putting an extremely large plaster on the hump of her soul-saving camel to try to help ease the swelling.
NNA banned for giving Deja's camel the hump. Dodgy
Butty banned for saying "One Hump or Two?" to customers of the local cafe where he is a part-time waiter.
Declan banned for adding two spoonfuls of sugar to each spoon of the Cod Liver Oil he takes each morning.
NNA banned for sweetening Mr. W's pot.
Deja banned for sailing close to the wind with that post, next years naughty list beckons.  Dodgy
Butty B banned for being the wind beneath Santy's wings
Deja banned for omitting the impact of gravity, polarity, the Cosmic Microwave Background, quantum entanglement, the Bernouilli effect and other sciencey sounding stuff when suggesting that Butty was responsible for giving a lift to Santa's sleigh.
(03-01-2023, 09:13 PM)NNAHere Wrote: [ -> ]Deja banned for omitting the impact of gravity, polarity, the Cosmic Microwave Background, quantum entanglement, the Bernouilli effect and other sciencey sounding stuff when suggesting that Butty was responsible for giving a lift to Santa's sleigh.
NNA banned for adding to my never ending google list "of look this shyte up" ...and clearly suggesting that BB's ahem "wind emissions"  alone could be strong enough to project Santa's entire reindeer alliance to the moon and back.
Deja banned for needing to start a list of the multiple lists she maintains.
NNA banned for viewing all 1,298,876,601 things (and counting) on my current to do list.... and judging me for spreadsheet abuse.
Deja banned for having an extremely detailed personal strategic and operational plan for the next...oh, I don't know, how about entire lifetime... in that much-loved spreadsheet
NNA banned for destroying my lifetime list with his fancy computer virus :p
Deja banned for not backing up the backups of the backups to a backup device.