A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Butty banned for tiptoeing through the recently watered tulips.
Wichita banned for not fixing the 'leaky plumbing'
NNA banned for plumbing through the leek patch.
Wichita banned for leeking information.
Butty banned for informing the gardener.
Wichita banned for calling me a grass.
Butty banned for lying on wet grass.
Declan banned for calling me a liar.
Butty banned for setting his pants on fire
NNA banned for firing the fire brigade.
Wichita banned for policing the police.
Butty banned for using a soldering iron to light a candle.
NNA banned for dousing the candles on his birthday cake with a power hose.
Wichita banned for reminding me that I am becoming even more ancient before the year is out.
NNAHere banned for becoming even more ancient before the month is out.
Declan banned for winning today's hyper-literal interpretation prize
NNA banned for handing out rosettes.
Wichita banned for being a bit annoyed at not winning a rosette yet.
NNA banned for disqualifying me.
Wichita banned to the bould chair for the next 20 minutes.
NNA banned for winding up the bould chair on full tilt spin... poor Linemans equilibrium
DejaBoo banned for winding everybody up.
DejaBoo banned for spinning more than my chair.
(10-11-2021, 09:22 PM)Declan A Walsh Wrote: [ -> ]DejaBoo banned for winding everybody up.

(10-11-2021, 09:23 PM)Wichita Lineman Wrote: [ -> ]DejaBoo banned for spinning more than my chair.

Beat you to it! You should have banned me but you missed out! So:
Wichita banned for being too quick off the draw.
Declan banned for getting the early worm.
Wichita banned for implying that Declan is a bit for the birds.
NNAHere banned for not realising that Wichita means I am a hit with the birds.
Declan banned for tweeting the language of love to the magpies on his window sill each morning.
NNA banned for bird watching at night.
NNA banned for ... investing in the stork market.
DejaBoo banned for transferring my identity.
Wichita banned for taking up tax residency in the Metaverse
NNA banned for taxing my patience.
Wichita banned for patience tax evasion.
Butty banned for being evasive.
Wichita banned for putting the flowers in an evasive.
NNA banned for putting the flowers in the door.

...when the door was a-jar.
DejaBoo banned for putting weeds in the window.
Declan banned for trying to soundproof windows... by giving them the silent treatment.
DejaBoo banned for breaking the sound barrier.