A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

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Declan banned for secretly thinking that dawg looked better wearing the mask.
NNA banned for masking the doggie smell with Brut.
Wichita banned for letting the dog out of the bag.
Declan banned for forcing Dawg into the bag in the first place.
Butty banned for dragging poor Dawg into the conversation when I never actually mentioned him.
Declan banned for secretly wishing for the dog days of summer
Dawg banned for drawing attention to himself yet again.
Declan banned for bringing old dogma for a walk
Dawg banned for spreading doggerel at the church supper.
Butty banned for paws-ing while giving the sermon
dawg banned for preaching to the converted.
Wichita banned for believing that only clergy wear a dog collar
Dawg banned for only ever drinking communion wine: 6 days a week.
Butty banned for suggesting that I'm a 6 day adventist
Dawg banned for preaching that on the 7th day God chilled out by going for a drive in the Avensis.
Butty banned for driving us batty.
Wichita banned for dressing as Batman and perching on the roof of Tescos every night.
Butty banned for asking Wichita if he Gotham for the sandwiches from Tesco.
NNA banned for saying he was Robin when asked  what he was doing in Tesco
dawg banned as every little helps.
Wichita banned for trying to use the 'every little helps' phrase to get away with doing the bare minimum of housework.
NNA banned for alleging I dont do my chores.
Wichita banned for trying to dodge mowing the lawn duty because he doesn't want to harm the daisies.
NNA banned for telling me in the pub that he was heading home as he had some important chores to do.
'What chores?' I asked. 'A double vodka and tonic thanks' he replied. Dodgy
Butty banned for skimping on the doubles.
Wichita banned for wearing something too skimpy.
Declan banned for refusing to put his skimpies in the bagging area
dawg banned for putting a hole in Declans bag.
Wichita banned for using an old sock to plug the hole in Declan's bag.
NNA banned for socking it to Declan.
Wichita banned for bringing back memories of Rowan & Martin's laugh-in

Take it away Goldie
Big Al had a lot of medicine last night
The Flying fickle finger of fate

Always with a 'Very Interesting' ending
Dawg banned for telling me he saw a spaceman.
 What did you do? I asked. 'I parked in it, man' he replied. Dodgy
Butty banned for typing out every terrible pun he reads in the book he was given for his birthday and then copying and pasting them here.
NNA banned for pasting over the cracks.
Wichita banned for cracking open a tin of glue and then telling us to 'get stuck in'.
NNAHere banned for not noticing the difference between a tin of beer and a tin of glue, giving rise to a rather sticky situation.
Declan banned for, apparently, not understanding that a tin of glue is not to be sniffed at
Dawg banned for telling me about this new book he just bought. Apparently he can't put it down. What's it called? I asked him.
'The Complete History of Super Glue' he replied. Dodgy
Butty banned for getting stuck in a particularly loopy loop.
NNA banned for trying to unring the bell.