A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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NNA banned for punching me in the face when I asked for credit.
Butty banned because as the old saying goes 'In God we trust, all others cash'
NNA  banned for making big money. It was about half an inch too big to be precise.
Butty banned for still living in the ancient world of Imperial measures.
NNA banned for calling the judge an imperialist pig during her counterfeiting trial.
Butty banned for being the second person today to attempt a virtual gender reassignment on this male.
Missus NNA banned for resisting the inevitable... pac
Deja banned for carrying on with (t)his nonsense.
NNA banned for getting his (metaphorical) knickers in a twist.
Butty banned for avoiding that problem by always going commando.
NNA banned for thinking of Butty's underwear ( or lack there of ) at stupid O'Clock in the morning
Dawg banned for not being an insomniac like all the cool people around here.
NNA banned for implying that snoozers are losers.
Butty banned for making a respectable effort at writing one line of poetry.
NNA banned for renaming Butty, Rip Van Winkle Butler Yeats.
DejaBoo banned for sleeping on the job.
Lineman banned for waking me up (when I do my best work azleeeep) :p

...and keeping a bucket of golf balls at his desk, for that very thing.
Deja banned for working intensely on her divot making skills.
NNA banned cos he likes it when the golf pro talks birdie to him :p
Deja banned for substituting golf balls for snowballs when she challenged me to a snowball fight.
NNA banned for fighting when he should be loving.
NNA banned for being a lover, not a fighter.
DejaBoo banned for getting mixed up and turning up at the wrong blind date.
Lineman banned for repeatedly swiping left on tinder.
DejaBoo banned for tindering her resignation.
Wichita banned for  yelling "you're fired!"
Deja banned for Trumping Wichita.
NNAHere banned for banning Deja who rightly banned Wichita for firing her.
Declan banned for introducing the concept of recursive banning
Dawg banned for using fancy words that I don't understand.
Butty banned for not bringing his dictionary with him.
Declan banned for bringing her (synonym) thesauraus to the christmas party, when asked to bring the cinnamon.
Deja banned for either trying to curry favour or getting spicy with Declan, or both.
NNA banned for being an herb-itual punster, thyme and thyme again Big Grin
Deja banned for being well able to pepper her replies with sugar, saltiness or spice as required.
NNA banned for adding flavour to the thread.
Lineman banned for sending out 'Seasonings Greetings' cards.
Deja banned for seeking to capitalise on Wichita's error by trying to sell the text of his misworded cards to the marketing department of Schwartz McCormick & Company Inc
NNA banned for peppering the facts, can ya cayenne  bay leaf it?
Deja banned for slapping my face when I said 'nice rack'.
I was merely admiring her handmade spice rack.