A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

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NNA banned for not watching where he stepped, now his shoes are all muddy.
Wichita banned for complaining that I splattered his new trousers with muddy water.
NNA banned for pirating my Muddy Waters CD.
Wichita banned for a thinly veiled shameless plug of the pirate sheep. Dodgy
Butty banned for not letting subliminal messages stay subliminal.
NNA banned for impeding my official investigation into shameless pluggery on FOG.
Butty banned for shoddy wiring.
Wichita banned for thinking that a cowboy builder was someone who built cowboys.
Butty banned for massaging the calves of the local farmers instead of massaging the calves of his legs.
NNAHere banned for suggesting that Butty is a masseur.
Declan banned for claiming that Butty rubs everyone up the wrong way.
NNA banned for thinking that there could possibly be a wrong way to rub someone. Rolleyes
Butty banned for massaging the figures so long as the figures are curvy in all the right places.
NNA banned for spying on me from the Fog Girls secret fort. Dodgy
Butty banned for holding the binoculars the wrong way around.
NNA banned for putting shoe polish on the eye pieces of my binoculars. Dodgy
Butty banned for deciding that the 'Goth look' suited him after he had smeared the shoe polish over his face.
NNA banned because my goth look got me romantically entangled with 'Lucretia Black, Vampire Princess' real name: Biddy Murphy. Dodgy
Butty banned for pitching a documentary about himself and Lucretia, working title 'The O'Damnit Family'
NNA banned for appearing on Family Fortunes and losing his familys fortune.
Wichita banned for hiding his money in the compost heap.
NNA banned for heaping the pressure on.
Wichita banned for subconsciously referring to a future Heeps game. (If it does happen, you can thank me later.)
Declan banned for going all memento on us.
Wichita banned for issuing 5 all-staff memos before breakfast each day.
NNA banned for pushing the breakfast meetings back to 5pm.
Wichita banned for operating under West Virginia time even though he's actually from Westmeath.
NNA banned for sending you all in my direction.
Wichita banned for giving confusing directions by inserting Lineman in all of the locations.....even if he is a lineman for his county.
Declan banned for calling Wichita Lineman 'Wichita Linedance' Dodgy
Butty banned for line dancing in the park.
Wichita banned for starting an online pun supply business. His company slogan: This Pun is for Hire. Dodgy
Butty banned for taking the pun and running with it.
Wichita banned for not allowing others to have a good pun up the hill.
Declan banned for a running joke: he regularly enters the parkrun under the alias Mick Jogger. Rolleyes
Butty banned for not allowing Declan to jog on.
Wichita banned for thinking he can get fit by remembering how he used to go out running. Jogging your memory is not real exercise. Rolleyes
Butty banned for discouraging brain exercise.
Declan banned for exercising his right to discourage.
Wichita banned for turning to his wife and saying 'listen dear, they're playing our song' when D.I.V.O.R.C.E. came on the radio. Dodgy