A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: Bogus Bans
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Declan banned for selling his lawnmower and buying a flock of sheep to keep the grass maintained.
NNA banned for reminding me that I have to go and cut the grass

Bye !
dawg banned for abandonng ship, the weeds can wait...
DejaBoo banned for weeding out the rogue banners.
Wichita banned for pulling our legs.
And double banned for mentioning weeding and failing to slip in a mention of his gardening sheep.
ABP: always be plugging. Wink
Butty banned for messing up Wichita's marketing strategy for his gardening sheep game, and just opening up to anyone to mention it now. Might as well as plug it now (@NNAHere @dawg ), as banned Butty has done so.
Declan banned for losing the plug. I want to have a bath. Sad
Butty banned for being able to afford the luxury of a real bath when the rest of us have to share a wheelie bin with whatever water it collects.
NNA banned for not realising that sharing a wheelie bin bath means waiting until the the other person has finished, not stripping off and jumping in with them. Confused
Butty banned for thinking we strip off- how else are we supposed to get our monthly clothes washing done????
NNAHere banned for thinking that he is not the only one using a smelly wheelie bin.
Declan banned ...That wheelie bin wasn't smelly before all this washing started  Confused
Dawg banned for losing his sense of smell (clearly!).
Declan banned for seeing clearly.
Wichita banned for getting a hole-in-one even though he said he couldn't even see the green
Dawg banned for getting a hole-in-one in the wrong green - outdoor bowls.
Declan banned for getting a hole in one of his green socks, darn it.
Butty banned for socking it to Declan
Dawg banned for giving it socks.
Butty banned for being socks mad,  a one track mind
dawg banned for taking up chess because he thought that it might offer opportunities for pawnography... and even acts of mating.
NNA banned for acting like a bishop.
Wichita banned for using my crozier to help him pull down the shutters on the office each evening.
NNA banned for repurposing My walking stick
dawg banned for attempting to prevent me from stocking up on winter fuel supplies.
NNA banned for sowing the seeds of winter gloom in May
dawg banned for thinking that Summer in Ireland is very different from a mild Winter.
NNA banned for posting Ex Cathedra
Dawg banned for taking the post out of the Cathedral.
Declan banned for posting letters without our seal of approval.
Wichita banned for not approving of seals.
Declan banned for ignoring all the signs to Not Feed The Seals
Dawg banned for being kissed by a rose on the wing.
Butty banned for winging it.
Wichita banned for flying into work and winging it all day
dawg banned for working under false assumptions.
Wichita banned for not working (with or without assumptions).
Declan banned for making an ass of u and me. Dodgy
Butty banned for secretly liking a glass of flat Lilt with his breakfast during heatwaves.
NNAHere banned for making Butty choke on his Lilt.