A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

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NNA can only drink beer when he's under careful supervision.
Wichita Lineman can only drink milk when he is being supervised by linemen.
Declan thought condensed milk came in a tiny carton.
Wichita is known as "The Milkman" in the Sunday World for legal reasons.
Declan only has sundaes on a Sunday.
Wichita consumes double the recommended intake of water one day a week so that he doesn't feel thirsty on Thursday.
NNA’s a cousin of H2O.
Wichita Lineman iis the cousin of Alabama Slammer
DejaBoo is a jailhouse rocker.
Lineman can't get no satisfaction.
DejaBoo is like a rolling stone and never gathers moss.
Wichita likes nothing better than playing with moss.
Declan is related to Kate Moss.
Lineman likes posing on the runway in his free time.
DejaBoo likes running on the catwalk.
Declan takes the neighbours cat for a week twice a day.
Wichita likes to dress up as a dog to get a reaction off the neighbourhood cat.
DW likes meowing at Wichita as he woofs.
DejaBoo strips bark off the trees in the local park.
Wichita strips off at the local car park, ala Chippendale style.
Declan is an antique expert.
Wichita is an expert in rare colouring books.
Declan only has black and white colouring books.
Lineman would only sell DW grey crayons.
DejaBoo outbid Declan for the pink crayon.
Lineman sold NNA the winning Lotto ticket.
DejaBoo has 547 lucky numbers.
Wichita has 57 varieties of Heinz.
Declan is full of runner beans.
Wichita is full of baked beans so stay away.
Declan only eats red jelly beans.
Wichita makes fake wine using squeezed red jelly beans.
Declan is a wine certifier.
Wichita plays his best golf when he's allowed to drink a generous tipple at each green.
NNA gets tipsy on grapefruit juice.
Wichita likes to tip toe around any grapefruit.
Declan only walks on seedless grapes.
Wichita has a greenhouse in the basement, where he attempts to grow grapes.
Declan throws grapes from the rooftops.
Wichita likes to eat any fruit he gets while sitting on the roof.
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