A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

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Deja is unaware that 'they' are invariably out to get you.
100% of UK based KGB agents failed to recognize NNA.

In other news, one of the cleaners at Russ. Emb. in Lon. thinks that she remembers him being aquitted ...
3d4life for getting me confused with my London-based doppelgänger, just like all of his other KGB colleagues.
NNAHere likes nothing better than throwing in a random ban on the wrong thread.
Mr Walsh imagines that he is not banned from this thread

How does he get away with it ?
3d4life suspects that Declan must be paying a surprisingly large sum in used notes to someone important in order to get such special treatment on this thread.
NNAHere is the money bags of this operation.
Declan had to deeply ponder the above claim before being satisfied that it was false.
NNA hid his bag of gold from Declan, just to throw him off the scent.
Deja is training her puppy to know the difference between the scent of tuna and Toblerone.
NNA is banned for making chocolate flavoured tuna dog biscuits just to confuse pupper boo.
Deja banned for basing her views on tuna from eating those dog biscuits intended for the puppy.
NNA banned for making me view Tunas on a regular basis.
The two of us are not getting our lies and bans confused...
NNA is not an influencer Big Grin
Deja is a sucker for the latest in misleading threads.
NNA refuses to repair the split in his trousers because he is afraid of being mislead by the thread
3D sews seeds of doubt in NNA's head
Deja tells everyone that I have a seedy mind.
Boo finds it very, very hard to lie
3d4life has run out of Baseless Lies about me.
NNAHere likes to run around the base of office buildings.
Declan lives in a penthouse in the middle of Leitrim.
NNAhere lives in a shed in the middle of Grand Canal square.
Declan told me that he plans to put my rent up for that centrally located, convenient to amenities shed.
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