A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

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Do you not have the audio version?
Why would I have the audio version, if, allegedly, I have a hearing issue?
Do you hear what I hear?
Do you see what I see?
If I say yes, can we start celebrating Chriistmas now?

Are you impatient?
Did you think you were posting in the yes or no thread?
Where am I, again?
Where did you last see yourself?
Why would I be looking for myself?
Are you looking for someone else?
Should I be?
What do you want to be?
Would it make a difference to you if I told you want I want to be?
You want to want be or you want not to want to be, is that your question?
How do I answer that?
Are you confused?
Are you trying to confuse the issue?
What issue has you confluxed?
What does confluxed mean?
Do I look like a dictionary?
Can you share a photo of yourself so that I can better judge?
Would I be pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised if I actually saw what one of the *FOGers here looked like?

Why not just look in the mirror?
Does every question have to be funny?
Are you serious?
What do you think?
Is that a rhetorical question?
Would you prefer if a question was rhetorical?
Do you want me to answer that?
Will it make a difference?
What do you think?
How do I measure that?
Need a ruler?
Will it help?
Could it hurt?
Is there a way of testing something to see if it will hurt?
Could a nun help with that?

[Image: giphy.gif]
Why don't we try that so?
Do you know any nuns?
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