Did my ranting scare off
Shoutbox archive
@Diamonds of Frost It's Chain Games here, and the X Factor (and before that Reality TV Sheep!) on Boards.ie Forum Games!
@Diamonds of Frost has made an appearance on the Rant thread after a long absence from this forum!
@Declan A Walsh And yourself, @DejaBoo , @jp liz v1 too, with @3d4life also contributing baseless lies and crazy reasons to ban myself and others.
@NNAHere has been keeping the Chain Games going while some of us have been busy over in Boards!
I can see it on Liz signature, if thats what you mean by doing it correctly. Leggie's has it too.
someone mentioned they have it in their signature, but I must have a setting where I don't see any signatures on boards (strange that)
I hope they return, we need to lure them back but it is good to see Forum Games on Boards come alive again