... hidden from the regular member list so that a more reasonable list is displayed. Alternatively, add a 'tag' to such accounts showing them as 'inactive'
...to renew the account rather than delete the account to allow an extra amount of time for laggards (few and far between, I suspect). Such accounts could be...
sure, but a whole year? I inadvertently clicked on something last month that said a guest was printing an entire thread in chain games. why would they?
@DejaBoo -no intention on my part to cull the herd! I was just mulling over our members list & curious about more recent ones. No ban without just cause.
Of course a number were spam/bots that were banned, but there are loads of users who were registered but never posted. Could be potential spams/bots of course.
I was looking at the Member List. There are 12 pages of members. Page 9 has the most recent members with posts, with the most recent being 3d4life in June 2023.