A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

Full Version: First Annual FoGademy Awards - Nominations
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Ok, one final call for nominations, I have lots in some categories and very few/none in others, I'm going to put the voting onto a Google form I think, all this copypasta is making me fat!

Those who got in a few, but wanted more thinking time --- @lorcand1990 @E.N.

Those who haven't even sent 1, well you know who you are! Come on!

Thanks to @Necro @lorcand1990 @Declan A Walsh @Leg End Reject @E.N. @ari101 @ShaneU @Kol @Jluv @davetherave @jp liz v1 @Rachel Stevens on a Pogo Stick for all their nominations.
Huge apologies for the delays, voting will commence on Monday 3rd October, so if anyone wants to bung in some last minute nominations, more than welcome until midnight Sunday!
Ok, I'm working on the voting form as I type, going to take a couple of days, but I promise it will be up by the end of the week Big Grin

Pesky slow home PC has been wrecking my head, so been coming to the library to type up (and it's lovely and warm here)
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