Another image game for those visually minded among us - let's go on a Scavenger Hunt
Post a pic or gif of something the previous poster requested, then choose something for the next player to find (and post) an image of... (edit: doesn't need to be related to previous images)
I shall kick it off by asking for a pic of
flowers please
HeyV, no need to relate to previous images, but good question!
(02-09-2021, 12:20 AM)DejaBoo Wrote: [ -> ]
Wonder Woman
THE only man that could pull off short shorts and a tache
Shorty shorts, even (oh my!)
(02-09-2021, 12:25 AM)DejaBoo Wrote: [ -> ]Shorty shorts, even (oh my!)
I don’t even know what the question is anymore!
ahhh, I need bed!
^ I put Magnum PI so Deja Boo put a pic of Tom Selleck as Magnum PI.
She then requested a pic / gif of Wonder Woman. Now I'm sure Courtney Cox is wonderful too so this is fine.
Then you should ask for a pic of something / someone that can be as literal or as abstract as you like.
For instance you could just say blue and the next poster finds something connected with blue or you could say the Italian flag and then the poster after you finds an Italian flag for you.
Above you said 'I need bed' so here's a bed!
Next poster - please find me a pink hat.
(02-09-2021, 10:50 AM)Spears Wrote: [ -> ]Next poster: something food related
Next: McDreamy & McSteamy
I'm not sure the internet can handle this amount of goodlookingness on one page asked for it
Next poster - anything from Star Wars
Next Poster - Jurassic Park
Next poster - a brown eyed girl
Next poster - being at the cinema
edit: jebbed, rainy umbrella please
(02-09-2021, 09:58 PM)Leg End Reject Wrote: [ -> ]A happy picture please.
this picture makes me happy anyway
Next poster: a picture that makes you happy
Next poster - Dolly Parton
Next poster - under the sea
Next Poster - idyllic beach scene
Next poster: an autumn scene, please
A luxury item you'd like to buy.