A sheep, a werewolf and a walrus walk into a bar.

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Yes, or any unit of cryptocurrency
huh, the powered bit threw me way off.

..not that i have a clue what bitcoin in, is it what you pop into tollbooths and the likes?
Cryptocurrency- this is essentially 'digital money', produced using hardware and software, not controlled by a bank or government. There's a multi-trillion market in this stuff and a few hundred variations of cryptocurrency. The best known and most valuable is 'Bitcoin'.

Power- it takes a huge amount of energy to produce a unit of cryptocurrency (Bitcoin in particular).

Entertainment- the act of producing a unit of Bitcoin might be entertaining to some (they are very valuable, with a market value of around $60,000+ each, and hard to produce). Others might enjoy the market fluctuations, seeing their holdings increase in value (not so much fun when they decrease...). Others almost certainly gain entertainment value when they cash their holdings in to realise a large gain- apparently (possibly an urban legend), in the VERY early days of Bitcoin when they were worth fractions of a thousandth of a dollar, a pizza delivery guy was offered a choice between a $5 tip and a something like ten thousand units of Bitcoin.

Engine or battery powered- you need energy to produce these things. I'm pretty sure that 'plain electricity' is used by most producers but it might be possible that back-up battery packs/ generators are also available.
Okay, ready Smile
Are you a person?
(07-11-2021, 01:47 PM)Butty Brennan Wrote: [ -> ]Are you a person?
1. No
Man-made or natural?
2. Man-made
Would I find you in the home?
3. No
Do you use electricity?
4. No
Are you mobile, can you be moved around?
5. No
Are you a building?
6. No
Do you produce something?
7. No
Are you decorative rather than functional?
8. Yes
Are you a one of a kind artwork?
9. Yes
Are you more than 1000 years old?
10. No
Are you a sculpture?
11. Yes
Are you in Italy?
12. No
In Ireland?
13. No
In America?
14. Yes
Are you the Statue of Liberty?
15. No
Do you depict the human form?
16. Yes
Are you Mt Rushmore?
Correct, it is indeed Smile
Big Grin 
You may fire at will.
Are you ...tangible?
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